Download GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2024.1.0 full crack download

Тема в разделе "Покупка - Flame", создана пользователем asksoft, 9 дек 2024.

  1. asksoft

    asksoft Member

    GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2024.1 full crack download unlimited,
    Download GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2024.1.0
    what is new in GeoStudio 2024
    Geotechnical workflows are smoother than ever with the newly released GeoStudio 2024.1! This release includes key features and functionality to improve the 3D modelling experience and enhance slope stability analysis through SLOPE/W.

    Licensing is more flexible than ever. With this release, GeoStudio supports three licensing types, enables easy transitions between Licensing Systems, and is now available to Bentley enterprise accounts via E365


    Enhanced 3D Workflow
    BUILD3D Embedded in GeoStudio Window
    The 3D geometry creation application is now present in the main GeoStudio window, simplifying the 3D workflow. This improvement brings 3D modelling in GeoStudio closer to the 2D experience.

    Quick Material Assignment with Geological Model Volumes
    GeoStudio provides the ability to import Leapfrog Geological Model Volumes from Seequent Central into a 3D geometry. These Geological Model Volumes can be used to assign materials to existing 3D parametric geometry objects. This workflow makes it easy to map complex geologies to analysis geometry, removing the need to create complex parametric surfaces to capture stratigraphic boundaries.

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