ChemDraw 22 ChemOffice Suite 2022 v22.2

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    ChemDraw 22 ChemOffice Suite 2022 v22.2

    Download PerkinElmer ChemOffice Suite 2022
    ChemOffice Suite
    ChemOffice is a scientifically intelligent, integrated suite of personal productivity tools that helps scientists to efficiently keep track of their work, gain a deeper understanding of their data and produce scientific reports professionally and efficiently.

    ChemOffice includes the following applications:

    • ChemDraw is used by hundreds of thousands of scientists around the world to quickly and effectively to draw molecules and reactions for use in documents and electronic lab notebooks, to search databases, and to generate accurate names from structures and to predict properties and spectra.
    • ChemDraw for Excel adds chemical intelligence to Excel spreadsheets so that chemists can use Excel’s analysis, sorting and organization tools to further manipulate and enrich sets of compounds and data and explore structure-activity relationships
    • Chem3D generates 3D models so that chemists can view their compounds in three dimensions to assess shape and properties to maximize activity or specificity
    • ChemFinder is a chemically-intelligent personal database system that scientists use to organize their compounds and to search for and correlate structures with properties.
    ChemOffice Professional is a scientifically intelligent, integrated suite of personal productivity tools that enables scientists and researchers to capture, store, retrieve and share data and information on compounds, reactions, materials and their properties. ChemOffice Professional helps chemists and biologists to efficiently keep track of their work, visualize and gain a deeper understanding of their results and correlate biological activity with chemical structures.

    Download PerkinElmer ChemOffice Suite 2022
    Download PerkinElmer ChemOffice Suite 2022 v22.2.0.3300 windows

    Download PerkinElmer ChemOffice Suite 2018 – 2021 Windows

    Download PerkinElmer ChemDraw 21.0.0 macOS

    ChemDraw Professional from PerkinElmer is the complete scientifically intelligent drawing tool for chemists and biologists to create publication-ready drawings for use in databases and publications.

    The newest release of ChemDraw Professional Suite 22 contains several key improvements:

    • Enhancements that support the drawing and representation of large molecules, and new therapeutic drug delivery modalities.
    • Allows for graphical presentation of complex biopolymers and supports FASTA format for large sequences.
    • A new monomer library for quick and easy access to natural monomers.
    • Copy molecules filled with colors and highlights as a 3D-printable object from ChemDraw and paste them into a PowerPoint slide to interact with and animate them in 3D.
    • ChemDraw Professional Suite 22 is supported on Windows 11 as well as MacOS 11.6 (Big Sur), 12.5 (Monterey), and 13.0 (Ventura).
    ChemDraw is available to faculty, staff, and students at the University of Tennessee Knoxville Campus at no additional charge.

    PerkinElmer has introduced the newest release of ChemDraw and ChemOffice 22.0. This release contains several key improvements and enhancements that support the drawing and representation of large molecules and new therapeutic drug delivery modalities. These new features include:

    Drawing large molecules (Oligonucleotides, peptides, etc) (ChemDraw Professional) – There have been significant improvements in the representation of biopolymers.

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