Где качать чампа на 200+ левле кроме лабы?серв аддикт

Тема в разделе "Acolyte / Priest / Monk / High Priest / Champion", создана пользователем deviling88, 16 дек 2011.

  1. deviling88

    deviling88 Member

    мой чамп 207лвл кто знает на чём его лучше кач)))
    (кроме лабы)
    знатокам уважуха)серв аддикт
  2. Elmiria

    Elmiria Helpers Team

    гк и в нейм или пати с пристом туда же. или мвп =) можно в торе по фошить попробовать
  3. deviling88

    deviling88 Member

    ну тор пока отпадает левл нетот да и пасану пока невыбил.буду пробывать в неймлесе.
    а на мвп есть вариант на несильных)))а есть ещё варианты по норм экспе гденить кроме тора и неймлеса и лабы?(необязательно чампу под кач или с патей)
  4. Elmiria

    Elmiria Helpers Team

    Эксповые варианты есть, но они менее хороши, потому что мобики грызут значительно сильнее. Собственно новый мир.А вообще на рмс поищи кого тебе будет проще бить. Правда там все последние эпизоды введены, но думаю не запутаешься)
  5. Tarakanus89

    Tarakanus89 Member

    в лабе качай
    зачем другие места если там быстрее всего
  6. Tarakanus89

    Tarakanus89 Member

    попокач на некрах, попокач в лабе, попокач на скеггиолдах...))
  7. MadisonTrogy

    MadisonTrogy New Member

    Post completion of my Dual Diploma Program, I must confess it turned out to be one of the most rewarding academical experiences for me. This program offers the opportunity to gain two diplomas at the same time, expanding your interdisciplinary knowledge and providing you a competitive advantage in the employment market.

    Through the course of this program, I have been exposed to various domains, supporting my personal and professional growth. It's offered me a expanded perspective on how several areas intertwine and can collaborate for more impactful results.

    For individuals aiming to enhance their learning prospects and employment prospects, embarking upon a dual diploma program can be an excellent option. You’ll receive a ample knowledge of two distinct fields, which can be essential for job postings that require knowledge of multiple disciplines. It's not only about achieving two diplomas; it's about increasing your point of view and improving your intellectual abilities.

    However, it's correct to point out that this program demands commitment and strains. Juggling two degree programs can be a challenging task, so plan to assign enough time and resources to your academics.

    Should feel motivated to broaden your horizons with a Dual Diploma Program, I urge you to investigate more about it. Coordinate with your academic advisors and look into the possibilities. The more informed you are, the more appropriate decisions you can make regarding your education. https://k12dualdiplomaprogram5.com
  8. MadisonTrogy

    MadisonTrogy New Member

    After the completion of a Dual Diploma Program, I must confess it was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my academic journey. This program gives the opportunity to gain two diplomas at the same time, increasing your knowledge across multiple disciplines and providing you a substantial advantage in the career market.

    Through the course of this program, I have encountered diverse domains, supporting my growth both personally and professionally. It's given me a broader perspective on how several domains intertwine and can collaborate for more impactful results.

    For ones looking to boost their scholastic prospects and job prospects, starting with a dual diploma program would be an superb choice. You’ll receive a considerable grasp of two different fields, which can be essential for job postings that require knowledge across different disciplines. It's not only about earning two degrees; it's about expanding your outlook and enhancing your intellectual abilities.

    However, it's necessary to point out that this program calls for dedication and endeavor. Juggling two degree programs can be a demanding task, so plan to allocate ample time and resources to your learning.

    In case you feel inspired to broaden your horizons with a Dual Diploma Program, I advocate you to explore more about it. Liaise with your academic advisors and check out the opportunities. The better informed you are, the more appropriate decisions you can make regarding your education. https://www.k12dualdiplomaprogram5.com/

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