~The Art of Breaking~

Тема в разделе "Уголок гильдий - Flame", создана пользователем fluffy_styLe~, 15 фев 2010.

  1. fluffy_styLe~

    fluffy_styLe~ New Member

    Принимаем в ГВ гильдию)

    Главные критерии:1к и не мульт=))пишите тут или в игре на ник Anon1m_Style~
  2. fluffy_styLe~

    fluffy_styLe~ New Member

    возьмём=))))))если ещё не взяли!о_О

  3. Jamesgoomi

    Jamesgoomi Member

    I can't... I can't take it! he said in a low voice.
    Sashka, understanding the gesture, silently approached, already in a businesslike way took Vera by the hips, pushed her to the edge of the bed and began to press her head between her lips.
    With bulging areolas on the tops of the breasts that greatly excited Alexei, not hard and not soft, as if filled with jelly, but elastically swaying under clothes when walking, which invariably attracted the eyes of his friends and acquaintances. Lyuba always made love with tenderness, not hiding her pleasure from her husband, and there was no hypocrisy in her. Modesty, shyness - were, but depravity in the head - never.
    go here.. What if I don't agree? said Igor.
    I hooked up with Oleg.
    "Let's start from the beginning. Inna got married 2 years ago. Successful. Very successful. But she cannot get pregnant, and her husband really wants to. She went through a bunch of doctors and they say to her that everything is in order with her. Most likely the problem is in her husband "But he doesn't want to go to the hospital, like he's all right. Then Inna found out what he had been ill with in childhood. He was ill with mumps, and there the side effect could be in the form of infertility. Then she twisted around and got a sample of her husband's sperm. It turns out that he has a mistress. But that's not the point. He can't have offspring. It's going to get divorced."
    After my words, the whimpering subsided, she calmed down a little.
    Irka washed herself, sits at the table, smokes.

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